Zombie PBX Parachute Failover

PBX Parachute Emergency Business Failover

Okay, maybe your coworkers weren’t whom you had in mind when you thought about the, “people closest to you,” but c’mon, Johnson from Accounting just had a baby and he can barely make coffee on his own. Throw Johnson a bone, will ya?

PBX Parachute makes it so that anyone in your company can stay connected to the wider network of your business communications no matter what happens. It’s good to know that fire, flood, tornado, or even the reanimated walking dead won’t be able to shut down your business. Learn how to keep open for business no matter what, now!

Don’t much care about whether Johnson makes it through the first night of the living dead? Honestly after he ate your last piece of birthday cake, on your birthday, we can’t really blame you. If that’s the case, though, you should probably head over to our blog instead and keep reading on how to stay one step ahead of the zombies. Or at least one step ahead of Johnson.