Zapier Integration

Integrate With Your Favorite CRM and More

Our Zapier Integration — our app inside the Zapier platform — lets you connect your VirtualPBX account to your favorite business apps like HubSpot, Pipedrive, Slack, Trello, and Gmail to log your call data, notify team members about inbound calls, and create timely reports. You can sign up for a Free Zapier account today.

Prospective customer? Check out our Business Phone Plans below before letting Zapier’s automation free up your time and attention so you can focus on delivering a high-quality product.

Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration Templates

The following Zap Templates will help you get started with Zapier. Also, each template in this list provides a basic outline that starts with a VirtualPBX Trigger and ends with reaching another web service, including Trello, Freshdesk, and Pipedrive.

Not a VirtualPBX Customer Yet? Sign Up and Start Integrating Your Tools Through Zapier!

Our Pro and Ultra Business Phone Plans include this feature. As a result, we offer something for you whether you’re an entrepreneur or enterprise.

→ Call forwarding and essential VoIP features to help small businesses grow and succeed.
$9 /user/month
This plan includes:
Unlimited Local Minutes in the US,
Canada, & Mexico
Forward Incoming Calls
Free Local Number Per User
Route Calls with Auto Attendant
24/7 Support: Chat/Email
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Most Popular
→ Voice and SMS versatility fueling team collaboration, ideal for growing businesses.
$17 /user/month
Everything in Starter, plus:
Personalized Live Onboarding
VoIP Device Included
Send & Receive Text Messages
Insights & Real-Time Dashboards
Call Recording Features
Zapier & Webhooks Integrations
24/7 Support: Phone/Chat/Email
→ Insightful management tools and pro-level routing options for improved business operations.
$28 /user/month
Everything in Pro, plus:
White Glove Configuration
Priority Support Included
Up to 20 Auto Attendants
MS Teams & API Integrations
Dynamic Caller ID
Inbound Text Forwarding
Toll-Free Minutes Included