Even if you haven’t ventured away from your VirtualText App for a while, there’s a mountain of business communications that occur outside of simple text messages. Voicemail and electronic faxing may not your first choice for some communication, but they’re each necessary means of connecting to clients and partners for international commerce. That’s why we’ve designed features around these two mainstays of business communication that preserve their functionality while simultaneously modernizing them for the modern, cloud-based era.
Crystal clear voice communications are at heart of everything we accomplish with VoIP, so it’s no surprise that voicemail received special attention from our engineering and UX design teams. Below are some of the key functions of our voicemail suite of options that you’ll only find on VirtualPBX business phone plans.
Faxing has remained essential in international and domestic business ever since its introduction and no other technology is poised to supplant it any time soon. Despite the many reasons businesses still use faxing, though, plenty of newer businesses or younger employees may not realize the importance of faxing, much less how to operate a fax machine. Good thing we’ve simplified it for the paperless workplace, huh? These intelligent paperless, electronic faxing features were designed to address those and many other issues in order to make electronic faxing a seamless addition to any unified communications network.
Founded in a San Francisco, California basement in 1997, VirtualPBX delivers Business Phone, Contact Center, AirDial POTS Replacement, VirtualText, and The Work Browser to our customers, who work in the office, remotely, and everywhere in between. We offer more than just products and services; we make your business better with quality customer care and 24/7 support.
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