Voicemail and Paperless Fax

Even if you haven’t ventured away from your VirtualText App for a while, there’s a mountain of business communications that occur outside of simple text messages. Voicemail and electronic faxing may not your first choice for some communication, but they’re each necessary means of connecting to clients and partners for international commerce. That’s why we’ve designed features around these two mainstays of business communication that preserve their functionality while simultaneously modernizing them for the modern, cloud-based era.

→ Call forwarding and essential VoIP features to help small businesses grow and succeed.
$9 /user/month
This plan includes:
Unlimited Local Minutes in the US,
Canada, & Mexico
Forward Incoming Calls
Free Local Number Per User
Route Calls with Auto Attendant
24/7 Support: Chat/Email
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Most Popular
→ Voice and SMS versatility fueling team collaboration, ideal for growing businesses.
$17 /user/month
Everything in Starter, plus:
Personalized Live Onboarding
VoIP Device Included
Send & Receive Text Messages
Insights & Real-Time Dashboards
Call Recording Features
Zapier & Webhooks Integrations
24/7 Support: Phone/Chat/Email
→ Insightful management tools and pro-level routing options for improved business operations.
$28 /user/month
Everything in Pro, plus:
White Glove Configuration
Priority Support Included
Up to 20 Auto Attendants
MS Teams & API Integrations
Dynamic Caller ID
Inbound Text Forwarding
Toll-Free Minutes Included

Hosted Voicemail

Crystal clear voice communications are at heart of everything we accomplish with VoIP, so it’s no surprise that voicemail received special attention from our engineering and UX design teams. Below are some of the key functions of our voicemail suite of options that you’ll only find on VirtualPBX business phone plans.

  • Personal Greetings – For businesses with multiple phone numbers or simply for just different extensions, companies can customize the messages that callers hear to each one. Plus, because VirtualPBX is all hosted in the cloud, that means that messages can be added, recorded, and managed all from the palm of your hand from anywhere there’s a data or internet connection.
  • Centralized Inboxes – Another benefit of the mobility that comes from a cloud-based business phone system is that you can choose to access any and all of the inboxes you want from your web portal. That means that employees who have the right qualifications can receive voicemails for marketing and sales or entrepreneurs can even have multiple telephone numbers funneled into one inbox.
  • Smart Notifications – Just because voicemail hasn’t changed much since it was invented, doesn’t mean that how you receive it should stay the same. Users can opt to receive phone messages, emails, audio files, and more so that they take their voicemails on their schedule and through their preferred medium.
  • Automatic Callback – And reconnecting with a missed call is even easier than ever before with the automatic callback option that, much like your cell phone, gives you the ability to quickly and easily call back numbers whether you recognize them or not. No more transcribing numbers off of messages!

Electronic Fax

Faxing has remained essential in international and domestic business ever since its introduction and no other technology is poised to supplant it any time soon. Despite the many reasons businesses still use faxing, though, plenty of newer businesses or younger employees may not realize the importance of faxing, much less how to operate a fax machine. Good thing we’ve simplified it for the paperless workplace, huh? These intelligent paperless, electronic faxing features were designed to address those and many other issues in order to make electronic faxing a seamless addition to any unified communications network.

  • Paperless – Like all modern communications that don’t require a sheet of paper, paperless faxing can operate with simply the files on your computer or any scanner. The same can be said for receiving faxes as well in that they will all be digitized and delivered electronically. Need a fax cover sheet? We provide a fax cover sheet and fax cover sheet template for you to customize and download for free.
  • No Hardware – The lack of paper means the end to all of the bulky, expensive faxing hardware (and thankfully, the end to the annoying connection noises they make, too!) so there are less overhead and clutter required to open an office. If you have a hosted telephone system like VirtualPBX, you have all of the equipment you need to send and receive modern faxes.
  • Email to Fax – One of the simplest ways to send and receive faxes is right over your email server and with Dash, that’s easier than ever before. VirtualPBX lets you receive faxes as attachments right to your inbox and sending faxes over the same reliable, secured fax connections are just as easy.
  • Secure – Email to Fax may not resemble the old faxing routine of yesteryear but the solid and secure connection that keeps faxes essential for regulation-heavy businesses in legal or medical fields hasn’t changed a bit. For businesses where confidentiality and data security are top priorities, VirtualPBX Electronic Faxing is the gold standard in data integrity.