5 Ways to Check Voicemail – VirtualPBX Infographic


Is your business voicemail box nearing capacity or even worse, full? We get it, checking voicemail is not always the most convenient task in the world. Neither is having your customers listen to the dreaded greeting, “This mailbox is full and cannot accept new messages at this time. Goodbye.” As worker bees ourselves, we do practice what we preach. In order to guarantee we never missed an important voicemail again, we set out to create the least painstaking voicemail solution possible. In fact, our dynamic voicemail solution is so seamless, you’ll look forward to unwrapping your voicemail box full of leads. Best part? VirtualPBX Dynamic Voicemail Boxes is a feature already included with the award-winning Dash Business Phone System. Ready to never miss a lead again? In this infographic, we’ll show you the 5 ways how to check voicemail with Dash Plans.

5 Ways How to Check Voicemail – VirtualPBX Infographic

Already a customer? Take a look at our voicemail guide for step-by-step instructions on setup, shortcuts, and more. Furthermore, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive more Friday 5 tips like this one on how to check voicemail!