Make the Ultimate Survival Pack with a Softphone in Your Emergency Backpack


Ultimate Survival PackWith all of the recent havoc that hurricanes have been causing across the United States Gulf Coast, Florida, and the Caribbean, it’s important to take stock of the ways in which we prepare for disasters. Of course, no single effort will protect you from any eventuality, but there has been an increased emphasis on preparations that can be stored indefinitely and relied on in a pinch. Specifically, people are researching more and more how to prepare the ultimate survival pack in the form of an emergency backpack. One thing that needs to be considered when preparing your next emergency backpack, though, is not just how you will escape danger, but how you will manage to live under potential refugee conditions after the worst has past. No single item will possibly prepare you for that scenario more than the VirtualPBX Softphone App.

What Makes the Best Emergency Backpack

Here in the San Francisco Bay Area. We know we live in earthquake territory. That’s why many folks here have kept emergency backpacks or earthquake bags for a while now. But with the recent historically bad flooding and damage caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the idea has become more of a relevant consideration for many more people, as well. Obviously, the most important ingredients of a good survival bag include clean water or water filters, food, warm or dry clothing, batteries, radios, cash and a few other essentials, but here are the reasons why you should never consider your survival pack complete until it has a softphone included it as well.

  • It Weighs Nothing That’s right! Unlike your other survival essentials, softphones are completely weightless. How is that, you ask? Because like all cloud-based communications, softphones are totally hosted on the servers of the company that created it and your access to them only depends on a good data connection.
  • You’ll Need to Plan on Rebuilding For a While That goes for your office building, too. And unless your business already has a automatic failover system as part of a comprehensive business continuity plan, you’ll be at a loss on how to keep the ball rolling for a while. Using a softphone means that you can keep your office hours from anywhere you happen to be during reconstruction.
  • Most Damage Comes During the Days After any Natural Disaster We’re seeing some terrible news come out of Florida as assisted living communities and hospitals scramble to keep their patients safe while there is no power and limited reliability on backup generators that got totally submerged. It’s well documented that many of the deaths from natural disasters come in the days following them for exactly this reason. As a result, you’ll need to anticipate more than how to stay fed and hydrated for an extended period of time, and nothing will help you set-up a semi-permanent shop quite like the peace of mind of knowing you can keep your job performance as high as can be expected under such conditions.
  • It’s Free Unlike some other options, the VirtualPBX Softphone App is free to download from the App Store or on Google Play. The use of the app itself is simply billed according to the parameters of the specific VirtualPBX business telephone system that it’s connected to, but it costs the user nothing to acquire as a failsafe in the event of an emergency (or simply as a great way to take work onto the road!).

What’s in Your Survival Pack?

We at VirtualPBX are most interested in the safety and recovery of everyone in the areas affected by the recent storms to hit our shores. And obviously, these tips on survival bags aren’t retroactive so we hope that they aid in helping people prepare themselves now for whatever else is yet to come. With that in mind, what other, nontraditional survival essentials would you include in your emergency backpack? Let us know by chiming in on Twitter or Facebook and we’ll be sure to include them in future editions of how to make the ultimate survival kit. Until then, stay safe, and please keep those affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in your thoughts and prayers.