Have you ever logged into Twitter only to find the wackiest hashtag holiday trending? Screening for holidays like #NationalColoringBookDay is a frequent occurrence for those of us in charge of planning the company social media calendar. And unless you’re the social media manager from Crayola, coloring books may not resonate well with your audience. The good news is there are plenty of other social media holidays out there that can move the needle for your business page. That’s why we’ve created a free social media calendar just for businesses. That’s right, you won’t have to spend hours sifting through hashtags like #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay (sorry Whirlpool) to deliver content your business-minded followers will love. Without further ado, here are our hand-picked social media holidays just for businesses. Use the links below to skip ahead.
June 1: National Donut Day – #NationalDonutDay
June 4: Leave the Office Early Day – #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay
June 17: Father’s Day – #FathersDay
June 21: First Day of Summer – #FirstDayOfSummer
June 22: Take Your Dog to Work Day – #TakeYourDogToWorkDay
June 30: Social Media Day – #SMDay
July 4: 4th of July – #4thOfJuly
July 7: World Chocolate Day – #WorldChocolateDay
July 15: Give Something Away Day – #GiveSomethingAwayDay
July 17: World Emoji Day – #WorldEmojiDay
July 19: Get to Know Your Customers Day – #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
July 27: Talk in an Elevator Day – #TalkInAnElevatorDay
July 30: International Day of Friendship – #DayOfFriendship
August 9: Book Lovers Day – #NationalBookLoversDay
August 13: International Lefthanders Day – #LefthandersDay
August 15: National Relaxation Day – #NationalRelaxationDay
August 16: National Tell a Joke Day – #NationalTellAJokeDay
August 19: World Humanitarian Day – #WorldHumanitarianDay
August 26: National Women’s Equality Day – #WomensEqualityDay
September 3: Labor Day – #LaborDay
September 5: International Day of Charity – #CharityDay
September 6: Read a Book Day – #ReadABookDay
September 12: National Day of Encouragement – #DayOfEncouragement
September 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day – #TalkLikeAPirateDay
September 21: International Day of Peace – #PeaceDay
September 22: First Day of Fall – #FirstDayOfFall
September 22: Car-Free Day – #CarFreeDay
September 30: International Podcast Day – #InternationalPodcastDay
October 1: International Coffee Day – #InternationalCoffeeDay
October 3: National Techies Day – #TechiesDay
October 4: Taco Day – #NationalTacoDay
October 13: National Train Your Brain Day – #TrainYourBrainDay
October 15: Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day – #CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay
October 16: Bosses Day – #BossesDay
October 29: Internet Day – #InternetDay
October 30: Checklist Day – #ChecklistDay
October 31: Halloween – #Halloween
November 3: National Sandwich Day – #NationalSandwichDay
November 11: Veterans Day – #VeteransDay
November 13: Kindness Day – #WorldKindnessDay
November 21: Entrepreneurs Day – #NationalEntrepreneursDay
November 22: Thanksgiving – #Thanksgiving
November 24: Small Business Saturday – #ShopSmall
November 26: Cyber Monday – #CyberMonday
December 4: National Cookie Day – #NationalCookieDay
December 5: International Ninja Day – #InternationalNinjaDay
December 14: National Salesperson Day – #SalespersonDay
December 18: Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf – #AnswerThePhoneLikeBuddyTheElfDay
December 21: Crossword Puzzle Day – #CrosswordPuzzleDay
December 26: Thank You Note Day – #ThankYouNoteDay
December 31: New Year’s Eve – #NYE
January 14: Clean Off Your Desk Day – #CleanOffYourDeskDay
January 17: Get To Know Your Customers Day – #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
January 21: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – #MLKDay
January 25: Opposite Day – #OppositeDay
January 28: Fun At Work Day – #FunAtWorkDay
January 28: Community Manager Appreciation Day – #CMAD
January 28: Data Privacy Day – #PrivacyAware
February 2: Groundhog Day – #GroundhogDay
February 9: National Pizza Day – #NationalPizzaDay
February 11: Inventors Day – #InventorsDay
February 14: Valentine’s Day – #ValentinesDay
February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day – #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
February 18: Presidents Day – #PresidentsDay
March 1: National Employee Appreciation Day – #EmployeeAppreciationDay
March 8: Day of Unplugging – #NationalDayOfUnplugging
March 8: International Women’s Day – #InternationalWomensDay
March 10: National Pack Your Lunch Day – #NationalPackYourLunchDay
March 10: Daylight Savings – #DaylightSavings
March 14: Pi Day – #PiDay
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day – #StPatricksDay
March 20: First Day of Spring – #FirstDayofSpring
March 31: World Backup Day – #WorldBackupday
April 1: April Fools Day – #AprilFools
April 11: Pet Day: – #NationalPetDay
April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day – #PJDay
April 17: National Tax Day – #TaxDay
April 18: National High-Five Day – #NH5D
April 22: Earth Day – #EarthDay
April 24: National Administrative Professionals Day – #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay
April 25: National Telephone Day – #NationalTelephoneDay
April 25: National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day – #tyktwd
May 1: May Day – #MayDay
May 1: International Workers Day – #IntWorkersDay
May 2: World Password Day – #WorldPasswordDay
May 4: Star Wars Day – #MayThe4thBeWithYou
May 5: Cinco de Mayo – #CincoDeMayo
May 9: National Receptionist Day – #NationalReceptionistDay
May 12: Mother’s Day – #MothersDay
May 17: National Bike to Work Day – #BTWD
May 21: National Memo Day – #NationalMemoDay
May 27: Memorial Day – #MemorialDay
May 29: Paperclip Day – #PaperclipDay
Downloadable Social Media Calendar 2018-2019
Thanks for checking out our free social media holiday calendar for businesses! You may download the calendar below or add it to your Google Calendar by clicking the + icon in the bottom right corner. Did we miss any social media holidays? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter!
Bonus Tip: How to Track Hashtag ROI
When it comes to measuring successful hashtag campaigns, you may be cutting yourself short by only tracking online conversions. Don’t forget that many conversions occur offline when a lead picks up a phone and dials sales. The best way to gauge ROI for your social media marketing efforts is by utilizing Direct Inward Dial Numbers to track sales that result from your hashtag campaigns. To get started, you simply add a DID number to your marketing campaign and assign it to an internal department or a specific extension from your company. That way you’ll always be able to prove how stellar of a social media presence your organization has.