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SMS Marketing for E-Commerce: What Every Business Should Know

Connect with customers in real time through SMS marketing for your e-commerce business.

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SMS Marketing for E-Commerce: What Every Business Should Know

Hear from guest blogger, Co-founder and CEO of Onilab, Art Malcovich, on what SMS marketing can do for your e-commerce.

E-commerce businesses connect with their customers through multiple channels: emails, social media, live chats, and chatbots. SMS marketing is another valuable tool for reaching potential buyers. The numbers speak for themselves: text messages boast a 98% open rate and a 45% conversion rate.

In this article, we’ll focus on the benefits of SMS marketing for eCommerce brands and pinpoint crucial aspects to pay attention to for successful implementation.

SMS Marketing for E-Commerce

Mobile devices are becoming integral in our lives. People rely on their smartphones to browse the web, communicate with others, check social media, and shop on the go. A quick, short text message will always find your clients wherever they are. Businesses of all sizes can implement an SMS marketing strategy to nurture customer relationships throughout the buying journey:
SMS Marketing Strategies for E-Commerce Success

Welcome Messages

Greet new customers or SMS subscribers with a friendly text to make a good first impression.

Payment Notifications

Send invoice and payment confirmation messages so that customers have all transaction details in front of them.

Promotional Text Messages

Notify clients of flash sales, discounts, and new products to foster repeat purchases.

Follow-up SMS

Ask for customer feedback or a review after a purchase.

Order Updates

Keep users informed about their order status, from confirmation to shipping and delivery.

Cart Recovery Reminders

Re-engage customers who ditched their shopping carts with personalized SMS messages.

Prior to launching an SMS marketing campaign, it’s essential to perform a comprehensive website conversion audit. A thorough checkup will detect areas where your site loses potential buyers and guide your SMS marketing efforts in the right direction.

Why should you Integrate SMS Marketing in E-Commerce?

Whether you’re a small eCommerce business or a top-selling brand, SMS marketing campaigns can be a real game-changer. Let’s highlight the key perks of leveraging SMS.
Connect with customers in real time through SMS marketing for your e-commerce business.

Immediate Communication

While emails may get lost in clients’ inboxes for days or even months, SMS ensures direct and almost instantaneous communication with your target audience. As a matter of fact, 90% of text messages are opened by the end user within three minutes of receiving them.

Wider Reach

SMS doesn’t depend on an Internet connection. It works over the cellular network. So, you can still reach out to mobile users who have limited or no Internet access.

Personalized Interactions

Connecting with customers on their personal devices creates a more seamless shopping experience. By analyzing clients’ purchase histories, eCommerce businesses can customize promotional text messages, offer personalized discounts, and recommend more suitable products. As a result, shoppers feel valued and are more likely to buy from your store again.

Effective Customer Retention

Besides attracting new customers, SMS messages really work well for keeping current clients engaged. Delivering timely updates, exclusive offers, or loyalty rewards through a text message can help your brand stay top of mind and turn one-time buyers into regulars.

Successful SMS Marketing Strategies

To succeed with SMS marketing in your eCommerce business, you need a clear plan and a thorough understanding of texting’s key features. Below, we’ll cover the crucial aspects to consider for effective SMS campaigns.

Comply with SMS Marketing Legal Requirements

Sending SMS marketing messages can be effective as long as eCommerce businesses comply with legal regulations. Multiple laws, such as the CAN-SPAM ACT, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (both valid in the US), and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU), require companies to receive consent from customers before adding them to an SMS list and forwarding either promotional or transactional messages.

Give Transparent Opt-Out Instructions

E-commerce stores must provide an easy way for recipients to unsubscribe from an SMS list. This is not only good practice but also a legal requirement. By implementing a simple opt-out process, online brands show respect for their customers’ privacy and preferences. The most common methods to stop getting an SMS message include replying with a specific word like “STOP,” “CANCEL,” or “UNSUBSCRIBE” or clicking on an opt-out link in the message.

Find the Best-Fit SMS Marketing Platform

The success of your eCommerce SMS marketing strategy largely hinges on the software you choose. There are numerous SMS tools with different functionality and pricing options available on the market. When picking the right software, look out for the following:
  • automation capabilities;
  • flexible scheduling features;
  • targeted messaging options;
  • seamless integration with CRM, email marketing systems, and other tools.

Segment Your SMS Marketing List

Personalization is vital for increasing customer engagement and fostering brand loyalty. You should tailor SMS marketing messages to different audience groups. Analyze your existing customers, namely their demographics, shopping habits, and preferences. Based on this information, you can categorize them and send more relevant and targeted texts.

Make Messages Short and Easy to Grasp

When crafting a compelling text message, you should factor in space and character limitations. A standard SMS can hold a maximum of 160 characters, which means you should be concise and get straight to the point. Avoid using filler words, jargon vocabulary, and rare abbreviations. Place the CTA (call to action) closer to the beginning. Use numbers and percentages, as they’re eye-catching, and immediately communicate value (“50% OFF” instead of “half price”).

Follow a Consistent Messaging Schedule

Balance frequency and timing for your text messaging. You want to keep customers informed without being intrusive. Schedule promotional SMS so they don’t clash with notifications from other channels. This way, clients will receive crucial updates and won’t be overwhelmed by too many texts at once. On the whole, sending SMS strategically and consistently creates a positive customer experience and cultivates trust in your eCommerce brand.

Define Measurable Goals

Setting is crucial to the success of your eCommerce SMS marketing campaign. Decide what your online store aims to achieve through text messages before sending them out. Is it driving repeat purchases, boosting awareness of a hot new sale, or streamlining customer service?

Once the objective is defined, you can fix on the metrics to track, such as customer retention rate, engagement, or conversions. Regularly check your progress against the goals and tweak the strategy if necessary. Experiment with different message templates and send times to see what yields the best results.

Conclusion: Create Engaging Text Message Campaigns

Sending SMS messages is a convenient and effective way for eCommerce stores of all sizes to directly reach their customers, build strong relationships, and boost sales. With a well-defined strategy, the right SMS marketing software, and continuous optimization, you can turn a basic text message into a powerful marketing tool and set up your business for long-term success. 
Guest Blogger for VirtualPBX, Art Malkovich, CEO of Onilab

About the Author

Art Malkovich is co-founder and CEO of, Onilab, a full-service eCommerce agency. As an accomplished developer and project manager, he stays in the loop with the latest trends in headless commerce, SaaS, UX/UI design, online store development and migration.

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