Independence Day Celebrations


Driveway Fireworks

If you’re anything like us, you’ve been looking forward to this weekend for a while now. Our team is scattered (or currently about to begin scattering) all over the world visiting friends and family to share in celebration of Independence Day. It sure is a good thing that we have a connection in the hosted telephone game, too, because that means everyone can stay connected when they are out of the office. You knew that was coming, didn’t you? That’s not entirely the focus this, though, because we feel it’s important to recognize what is sometimes overlooked this time of year; what exactly we are celebrating.

Independence had to be Won

Obviously the Fourth of July commemorates when the original colonies signed the Declaration of Independence from England, but the following acts of war are what ultimately granted the Great Experiment of her freedom. Our world looks much different today than it did in 1776, but what remains is that we have millions of men and women in five branches of the military that are willing to fight to protect and preserve our freedom. This is no small commitment on their part and the parts of their families, and we want to say thank you for their sacrifices.

Returning Home to New Missions

Organizations like the USO are making plans to bring a bit of the flavor of Fourth of July celebrations from home to servicemen and women all over the world, and for those fortunate enough to be back home, we want to make different concessions. VirtualPBX recognizes that being home with their families is amazing for folks who have been deployed, but transitioning into civilian life is something that poses a different set of challenges.

Veterans have world-class leadership and discipline and have proven time and again to become indispensable assets to the business community after their military careers have ended. To help see them launch their new professional lives in the civilian sector, we have created a special Military Discount Programs for exclusive access to all of our award-winning features and service.

Thanking is Just the Beginning

We are grateful for our freedom to enjoy this weekend and the significant contribution that the military continues to make in preserving it is not lost. Helping veterans with their businesses is a small token of our appreciation, and we carry our commitment to them into everything we do. Our Customer Support Team is located here in San Jose and is available around the clock to help with any concerns as they arise. Whether you are a veteran or not, we pride ourselves on bringing the same effort to building a feature-packed telephone system as we do to making sure you never need to worry about navigating it alone.

If you have any questions about the VirtualPBX Military Discount Program, your service in general, or anything else that we can help you with in achieving the time-saving, cost-cutting, industry-leading telephone system your business needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

And from all of us at VirtualPBX, please enjoy a safe and happy Fourth of July Celebration and long, holiday weekend!