Best Telecommuting Practices with Small Business VoIP

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Best Telecommuting Practices with Small Business VoIP

In today’s world, small businesses need to do everything they can to stay competitive; flexibility can mean the difference between success and failure. The best telecommuting practices can make remote working an attractive tool that enables entrepreneurs to cast a wide net to attract top talent, while helping businesses impress potential hires with flexible schedules and work-from-home opportunities. However, savvy business owners will realize that there are several key factors to consider before allowing employees to work offsite.

Does my network allow for telecommuting? This is the first question to ask when looking at offsite options. Modern businesses can take advantage of Small Business VoIP systems that are able to follow their employees from the desk to their home office and on the road. This ability allows higher productivity without sacrificing features and quality. By choosing a VoIP-based system, employers can use broadband connections instead of landlines for better service.

Do I have a comprehensive telecommuting policy? Every business interested in implementing the best telecommuting practices should have operating procedures that reflect their ideals when working outside the office. Are employees always on call or during business hours? Are there any exceptions? Do they use the same extensions/voicemail boxes when working from home? These are just some minute details that should be hammered out when allowing offsite workers. The more comprehensive the rules are ahead of time, the less potential downtime will occur when something goes wrong.

What kind of telephone options does my business need? Modern VoIP service providers have a variety of options to cater to different business types that may be looking to take advantage of telecommuting. Some will charge for the options, others will provide everything for a low price. It’s important to know exactly what you’re looking for and doing comparative research before settling for on the best provider for your businesses unique needs. Better safe than sorry.

Regardless whether you’re still just thinking about allowing your employees to telecommute, or already shopping around for VoIP service providers to support home-based employees, it pays to for small business owners to do their homework before adding another service. Although telecommuting can improve productivity and lower costs, it’s not necessarily the optimal option for every type of business.

If telecommuting does make sense for your business, it’s important to take the necessary steps to research the VoIP communications options needed to support remote employees and define clear policies that set clear expectations for you and your employees.

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