The Party Line – Three Way Calling


The party line I’m referring to here, though immediately dangerously close to sounding like the beginning of a political demarcation, is actually the shared telephone line of a bygone era. First used shortly following the advent of wired telephone communications, party lines were actually how the first commercial switchboards operated in the 1800’s. The ability to connect many users with only a single wire line then made party lines, which are actually single local loop telephone circles to connect many users, became the choice for communities in rural or lower-income areas. The party line offered such cost and logistical savings that they were often times the only way civilians in the Allied Nations could rely on telephone service during wartime shortages in the 20th century. Nothing about this really sounds like a party you’d want to attend, though, does it?

Three Way Calling Business Party Line

Connecting People – Three Way Calling and Party Lines

In later years, these local circuits were used less for basic connections in underserved groups and more for the actual party aspect that we associate them with today. By maintaining a closed loop of typically younger, fun-seeking adults, organizations could provide access to a social gathering without leaving the home. In the pre-internet age, the party line was very much an early form of social media. The lasting impact was more in the context of the name “party line” itself, however, in that it conveys a sense of immediately connecting additional callers over the phone.

Old Meets New with Three Way Calling

The evolution of the party line in social context has migrated away from an immediate connection into a bulletin board system typically for dating or music and entertainment services. The need for immediate connections with several people still exist, though, and while most of the social benefits of the party line have migrated away into modern social media options, true three way calling is still absolutely essential for business. Like anything that is pivotal for the wheels of commerce to keep on spinning, Three Way Calling and Teleconferencing has experienced quite a technological revolution.

Virtual Connection, Tangible Command

With breakthroughs in telecommunication coming more quickly today than ever before, advanced business phone systems like Dash have been able to revolutionize the way hosted telephone calls are handled, transferred, and connected. Specifically, three way calling has historically been something that few VoIP providers would provide because it exposed users to fraudsters who targeted backdoors into hosted systems. Dash, however, utilizes military-grade security and encryption that enables Dash users to rely on traditional teleconferencing services, along with the previously unavailable three way calling features that are native to most advanced VoIP telephones.

This is just a drop in the bucket of features that Dash brings to the table. With the pedigree of an enterprise-grade phone system but the versatility of a personal communications app, Dash’s wide range of customizable features and functions lets any businessperson bring the party back to business calls.

Learn more about Dash by reviewing the wide array of options that come with each Dash Plan or learn more about VirtualPBX by checking out our reviews on Yelp. In the meanwhile, you can consider yourself as having an open invitation to any of our parties going forward.