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Set Up Voicemail for Success

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Set Up Voicemail for Success

Set Up Voicemail for SuccessWhether you’re recovering from Independence Day festivities yesterday or are still managing your productive hours around this year’s rollercoaster World Cup (or tougher yet, trying to avoid your coworker Johnson’s game spoilers), it’s likely your voicemail is a little more full than normal. Just like the most successful soccer teams, having a solid game plan before major events can make all the difference. An overflowing voicemail box can be avoided with careful consideration in how you set up voicemail from the beginning.

Set Up Voicemail to Email – One of My Favorite Features

According to a Udemy survey, 70% of workers feel distracted on the job. While this includes chatty coworkers, social media, and a variety of other factors, any disruption to your current task can add significant time onto its completion. While we can’t provide a solution for every disruption, we can at least help you manage and prioritize your call traffic to maximize your productivity and minimize your interactions with offers and inquiries that only slow you down. Enter voicemail to email.

voicemail to emailVoicemail on VirtualPBX Business Phone Plans comes with a variety of features that allow you to use and manage voicemail in the way that best suits you. Today I want to focus on my favorite feature – voicemail to email. As you set up voicemail, one of the advanced options – “Recipients” – will allow you to add as many email addresses as you’d like to receive voicemails for that particular phone number, extension, or departmental group. This will send the voicemail as an email attachment, allowing you to put voicemails into your “Inbox Zero” mailbox strategy. It also lets you screen offers you are not interested in and delegate tasks by forwarding that voicemail on. When you set up voicemail to email forwarding, you can also elect to delete voicemails on your system as they’re sent to your email. Consider this a “de-duping” process that lets you maintain Voicemail Zero as well as Inbox Zero.

Even More Voicemail Features at Your Fingertips

Whether it be for Fourth of July festivities, your World Cup watch schedule, or any other number of distractions or particularly busy days, voicemails have a way of building up. The best way to manage them is to set up voicemail for success right at the start. You may also consider changing your voicemail greeting or requiring a PIN to listen to voicemails. Of course, flexibility extends to the ways in which you may listen to voicemails. While my favorite method is by email, you may prefer to listen to them from the admin or user portal Voicemail Manager, by provisioned VoIP phone or softphone app, or even by dialing in from a cell phone or landline not provisioned on your system. For more detail on configuring these options and instructions to set up voicemail, read our Voicemail Support Guide.

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